DAY 1 – Tuesday October 25th 2022
Morning Session
Opening Remarks
Title: Opening Remarks – The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Vice President Operations, Mr. Ramesh Harrylal
Time: 7 minutes
Keynotes Remarks
Title: The Minister of Planning and Development for the Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, The Honorable Pennelope Beckles-Robinson
Time: 16 minutes
Title: Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Works and Transport for the Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, Ms Sonia Francis-Yearwood
Time: 13 Minutes
Title: The Vetiver System (VS) and the Vetiver Education Empowering Project (VEEP) model, and regional projects, Mr Jonathan Barcant, Technical Director and Chairman of IAMovement
Time: 22 minutes
Title: Feature Presentation, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC), Ms Tracey Weekes
Time: 13 minutes
Panel 1: Green Infrastructure Approaches for the Caribbean
Title: Ms Yorlene Cruz – Vetiver System (VS) projects and development in Latin America
Time: 19 minutes
Title: Mrs Ulrike Krauss, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund – Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Projects in the Caribbean
Time: 17 minutes
Title: Mr Ian McNeel, WIRRED – Degraded Lands and Watershed Regeneration
Time: 18 minutes
Title: Mr. Alfred Grunwaldt, Lead Climate Change Specialist with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) – Green Infrastructure in Latin America
Time: 7 minutes
Panel 1: Discussion
Evening Session
Panel 2: Idea to Reality-Innovation Finance for Exploration and Experimentation
Title: Michael McQuilkin, Republic Bank Limited – Innovation Finance for Exploration and Experimentation
Time: 13 minutes
Title: Dr Axel Kravatzky, ESG Specialist – Bridging the Gap with Green Infrastructure
Time: 20 minutes
Title: Vashtie Dookiesingh, Senior Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Lab – Who is IDB?
Time: 16 minutes
Title: Mr. Ze Alves-Pereira, Delegation of the European Union to T&T – The need for Green Infrastructure
Time: 26 minutes
Panel 2: Discussion
Title: Ideas to Reality: Innovation Finance for Exploration and Experimentation
Time: 36 minutes
Morning Session
Opening Remarks
Title: Ms Carina Cockburn, Country Head for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to Trinidad & Tobago – Opening Remarks
Time: 7 minutes
Panel 3: Exploring Regional and Global Climate Finance
Title: Mr Will Sarni, Founder and CEO of Water Foundry – Exploring Regional and Global Climate Finance – The Case for Green Infrastructure in Latin America.
Time: 10 minutes
Title: Ms Gina Sanguinetti, CCRIF SPC – A Climate Financing Tool for the Caribbean
Time: 14 minutes
Title: Ms Una May Gordon, Former Director for the Climate Change Division of the Government of Jamaica – Exploring Regional and Global Climate Finance
Time: 14 minutes
Title: Ms Lizzie Master, Environmental Finance Manager at the World Resources Institute (WRI) – Scaling Nature Based Solutions for Climate, Water, and People in Latin America and the Caribbean
Time: 16 minutes
Panel 3: Discussion
Title: University of West Indies St. Augustine Campus, Vetiver Case Study Presentation for the Building on Vetiver! Project
Time: 35 minutes